We are an academy school that forms part of Oak Learning Partnership. We cater for students aged 5 to 19 years who are in receipt of an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) regarding their identified learning difficulties.
Our values are incorporated into everything we do and form the basis of our learning environment.
We value the positive relationships built between staff, students, parents and carers. Our friendly environment enables students to feel valued and trusted as individuals and we all show mutual respect for each other.
Our educational aim is to raise the achievement of our pupils by using various styles of teaching and different situations; all students are encouraged to reach their targets.
We offer the most amazing opportunities to learn outside the classroom, exploring a variety of exciting learning experiences.
We provide a secure environment where all students feel safe and protected. Where required, students are provided with 1-1 support to enable them to make progress in their work.
Students learn by watching others and sharing their knowledge. Group work is encouraged where all students are able to use their own interests, skills and ability to work together.
Our students are happy and enjoy positive learning experiences that enable them to feel successful and fulfilled.
All students have an individual education plan that provides relevant learning objectives to ensure progress is made and all activities meet their needs. We strive to provide opportunities at all ages.
Life skills are embedded in the curriculum and therefore enable students to make positive decisions about their future. We provide excellent transition support for students leaving Crosshill and moving onto further education at local colleges. Their success is our success.
We use the most up to date technology for learning and students have iPads to support curriculum learning. Other resources include laptops, 3D TVs and interactive touch screen technology.