Explorers Class (Pathway 1)
In the Explorer’s classroom, pupils are immersed in a sensory curriculum supported through play. Pupils are constantly developing their learning to learn skills - engaging, attending, waiting, turn-taking and participating with adult-led activities. Pupils are at the beginning of their communication journey, developing skills to become effective communicators - expressing their own wants and needs. Learning is centred around discovering their sense of self, including naming the emotions pupils experience and beginning to build strategies to support and ensure successful regulation. Above all, pupils in Explorers class are working towards developing independence and the self-help skills that they will need to be successful in their next phase.
Adventurers Class (Pathway 1)
In the Adventurer’s classroom, pupils have a holistic and thematic play-based curriculum tailored to each pupil’s needs. Throughout the school day, pupils are provided with opportunities to explore and participate in sensory focused activities. Learning is centred around fundamentals of the core subjects, with an emphasis on phonic acquisition and basic number skills. Staff support the children to develop their self-regulation skills in a nurturing environment. Pupils in the Adventurer’s class are encouraged to develop a curiosity to learn. Woven throughout all learning opportunities is the development of communication skills; through shared attention, modelled conversation and the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to support. The adults working in the Adventurer’s classroom provide opportunities to foster pupils’ independence through planned activities that promote self-help skills.
Discoverers Class (Pathway 2)
In the Discoverer’s classroom, pupils follow an adapted national curriculum model, with a focus on reading and basic number skills. The holistic and thematic curriculum meets each learner at their starting point and encourages curiosity and independent learning. Through life skills sessions pupils are provided with a range of activities and experiences to develop their self-help skills and independence. Pupils are supported to understand and implement self-regulation strategies. Through activities, games and visits to the local community, pupils are guided in exploring how to support their own emotions and develop their social skills. Adults working with the pupils in Discoverer’s class ensure communication is weaved into all parts of the school day.